Grenadier Guardsman jailed 6 months for "gross indecency" and dismissed from service.

M.P. Sir Robt. Boothby calls for law change: "The whole business of homosexuality is shrouded in a horrifying miasma of blackmail since the Victorian Acts were passed. Homosexuality is a mental sickness which may be cured; not a crime. What consenting adults do may be an issue between them and their maker, but is certainly not an issue between them and the Government." . . . Edw. Richardson, Q.C.: "The same" (about the mental aspect of homosexuality) "could be said about shoplifting."

Hardwicke Debating Society: "Moved: That penal laws relating to homosexual offenses are outmoded and should be changed."

Blond Teresa Viars claims she spent 6 months at Burtonwood camp disguised as a G.I. Army orders investigation.

Court-martial sentence of dismissal against an army chaplain, on charge. of indecently assaulting a soldier, annulled.

MARCH, 1954

Mystery raider breaks into home of Peter Wildeblood no apparent motive. Police guard posted... Thieves had broken into tenant's quarters at Montagu's Palace House a week earlier, made off with two coats, 40 cigarettes,

Press releases, with bosomy photos, claim Robert Cowell, once famed racing motorist and Spitfire pilot, father of two children, has physically and legally became Roberta, may someday be a mother. Learned Sunday Supplements "prove" no such change can be claimed without microscopic examination of ovaries, skin, teeth, hormones, hair and other features in which men differ from women.

Wimpole-street gynaecologist Charles Dusseau who'd issued change-of-sexcharacteristic-declaration for altering birth certificate, stated: "Re-registration was not meant to prove Cowell had become, physiologically, a complete female rather a working certificate to enable plastic surgeons to carry out operations."

Roberta's father, former honorary surgeon to King George VI, angered at fraud charges, said, "I had a son who is now my daughter... her bust is fully developed Perhaps she can never be, strictly speaking, a complete woman physiologically . . . this is not a case of hermaphroditism." Roberta reportedly "hiding out" in Italy, with police keeping visitors off.

BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL: Shortly after release of above story: "465 people wrote the surgeon asking him to alter their sex."

DAILY MIRROR CRUSADE editorial again demands Minister of Education rid private schools of teachers charged with immorality.


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